2.4.6 (10/05/2012)
- Fixed too large initial screen width on multiple monitors

2.4.5 (17/02/2012)
- Fixed semicolons being cut off at the end of PL/SQL blocks

2.4.4 (14/10/2011)
- Added SQL Server support with the jTDS driver
- Fixed cropped menu items in Windows 7
- Fixed occasional inability to open very large SQL files

2.4.3 (07/07/2011)
- Added work around for Microsoft SQL server not complying to the JDBC specs

2.4.2 (13/05/2011)
- Removed unnecessary dialog after each exception

2.4.1 (26/04/2011)
- Added password prompt dialog when left empty in the connection settings
- Added progress dialog with cancel button for multiple lob export/copy/paste
- Added driver assistant dialog
- Suppressed derby.log creation in Apache Derby
- Code refactoring & minor improvements

2.4 (18/03/2011)
- Added syntax highlighting, line numbers, find and replace, ...
  Right click the editor to see all the features
  Cut-Copy-Paste-Undo-Redo are also moved to this pop-up menu
  Thanks to JSyntaxPane -- http://code.google.com/p/jsyntaxpane/
- Added SQL formatter for basic SQL statements (DML + query)
  Thanks to Hibernate -- http://www.hibernate.org/
- Changed some icons

2.3.5 (25/02/2011)
- Added automatic driver detection
- Added H2 support
- Added Apache Derby support
- Upgraded HSQLDB driver 1.8.1 -> 2.0

2.3.4 (19/01/2011)
- Added open/save feature for SQL files

2.3.3 (23/08/2010)
- Added wizard for creating new connections
- Removed automatic retry after unsuccessful connection attempt

2.3.2 (12/07/2010)
- Added support for mixed case quoted identifiers
  (SourceForge Bug ID 3023714)

2.3.1 (14/05/2010)
- Added support for bind variables
- Added XML pretty printer to lob preview
- Optimized dialog sizes
- Fixed application hang during second query execution on Java 64-bit

2.3 (12/04/2010)
- Added extended generic database support
- Added extended generic platform support
- Added last used file location retainment
- Added graceful catch for connection URL syntax errors
- Added a link with URL syntax help in the connection setup dialog
- Added possibility to run sql's ending with semicolon
- Added cell copy on Ctrl-C instead of row copy
- Added 10 sec timeout for background disconnect after application exit
- Added NClob support
- Added updatable result set detection
- Added workaround for Oracle driver 11 bug which closes the
  connection through some VPN's when cancelling a statement
- Improved export and open behaviour of result sets and lobs
- Fixed Oracle timestamp format when exporting to insert statements
- Fixed last selected schema in the browser not being remembered in some cases
- Fixed monospaced font on some Linux systems
- Downgraded Oracle driver -> due to too many bugs

2.2.1 (16/03/2010)
- Downgraded Oracle driver ->
  Due to Oracle timezone bug (ID 9413359)
  (SourceForge Bug ID 2970503)
- Migrated from JDK 5 to 6

2.2 (11/03/2010)
- Redesigned logo
- Upgraded Oracle driver ->
- Upgraded IBM DB2 driver 3.50.152 -> 4.7.85
- Upgraded MySQL driver 5.1.6 -> 5.1.12
- Upgraded POI 3.0.2 -> 3.6
- Upgraded iText 2.0.8 -> 5.0.1 (04/03/2010) (DuPont)
- Upgraded DataDirect driver 3.6 -> 4.1

2.1.8 (28/01/2010)
- Added SQLite support
- Added HSQLDB support

2.1.7 (27/11/2009)
- Invalid database content while retrieving resultset is now catched
  (SourceForge Bug ID 2870148)
- "Export to insert statements" didn't always export the correct tablename

2.1.6 (25/03/2009)
- Changed IBM driver result set holdability to
  "Close cursors at commit" to avoid unwanted locks

2.1.5 (13/06/2008)
- Added execution time to the progress panel and result grid
- Added support for procedures returning a result set
- Added more meaningful DB2 error messages
- Added connection warnings (password expiration grace period)
- Optimized result set fetch limit

2.1.4 (01/04/2008)
- Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- Fixed Java version in About dialog
- Upgraded Oracle driver ->
- Upgraded IBM DB2 driver 3.1.57 -> 3.50.152
- Upgraded MySQL driver 5.0.4 -> 5.1.6
- Upgraded POI 3.0.1 -> 3.0.2
- Upgraded iText 2.0.4 -> 2.0.8
- Upgraded Launch4j 2.1.5 -> 3.0.0

2.1.3 (18/10/2007)
- Fixed error when column x is selected and a new
  query is retrieved with (x - 1) columns

2.1.2 (28/08/2007)
- Added "Grid - Export - PDF"

2.1.1 (28/03/2007)
- Fixed queries starting with WITH not executing
- Fixed history not working smoothly all the time
- Fixed "Export to insert statements" not escaping single quotes

2.1 (30/01/2007)
- Included work around for the IBM driver that prevented selecting LOB's
- Migrated from JDK 1.4 to 1.5
- Upgraded Oracle driver ->
- Upgraded IBM DB2 driver 2.7.58 -> 3.1.57
- Upgraded MySQL driver 3.1.13 -> 5.0.4
- Added Linux and Solaris support

2.0.8 (15/01/2007)
- Added dropdown to "Add Favorite" with existing favorites
- Insert from schema browser now overwrites selected text
- Fixed Alt not opening menu bar
- Added JRE 6 support

2.0.7 (06/11/2006)
- Included work around for the IBM driver that
  prevented executing some analytic functions

2.0.6 (19/10/2006)
- Fixed bug which prevented result sets containing more
  than 128 columns to be exported to a flat file
- Changed Eclipse icon set to Crystal Clear icon set
- Suppressed database update when a cell is exited
  without the value being changed
- Replaced "Query help" with a "Schema browser"
    To open the schema browser press Alt+Enter or click the
    most right button on the toolbar, repeat action to close
    Use the keyboard arrow keys to navigate, Esc to cancel,
    Enter or double click to select
    (Ctrl+S now inserts the frequently used text "select * from " in the editor)

2.0.5 (29/08/2006)
- Added program name "DBEdit 2" to Oracle and IBM DB2 session
- Added support for running large scripts
- Added possibility to export multiple lobs at once
- Added MySQL support

2.0.4 (05/07/2006)
- Added Edit - History
- Added Edit - Undo/Redo
- Added more toolbar items

2.0.3 (22/06/2006)
- Added "Grid - Lob - Copy and Paste" to transfer multiple lobs at once

2.0.2 (08/03/2006)
- Fixed "Help - About - Homepage" link and
  "Update - Download latest version" link when using Internet explorer

2.0.1 (13/01/2006)
- Added "Grid - Export - Insert statements"